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Week 9 at Cosmic Diner in New York, NY

This week’s video was recorded in Manhattan while we were there to appear on the Today Show. Nicholi at Cosmic Diner had a really great response to the gift we were giving him for Aaron.

7 Responses to Week 9 at Cosmic Diner in New York, NY

  1. Javier

    Hey Seth, just a suggestion: the videos are great, but they´re somewhat spoiled by the sound, which is often so poor that we have a hard time understanding what they say. If your camera supports it, you could add a small, directional mic on top of it, a cheap investment that would help getting good audio enormously.

    If you would like me to recommend a good mic that suits your desired budget, feel free to send me a message (And no, I don´t sell them… 😉

    Thanks mate, you make our Wednesdays.

  2. Joe

    Great video… what a nice russian guy and loved when he said:
    “Now I know one thing for sure, if you give things from your heart.. the things go back to you”
    Thx for each video you’ve made.. changing people’s life.. wow.. must feel incredible 🙂

  3. Rebekah N.

    That’s great! I love how hesitant he was to accept this gift! He seemed like he’d truly appreciate it!

  4. Eric

    I’m so inspired by everything your family is doing. Last week before I attending a major league baseball game, i stopped at a diner. I gave my server the usual 15% tip, plus two free tickets to an upcoming major league baseball game. I could tell my server was completely surprised. It’s such an amazing feeling to do something so nice and totally unexpected for a complete stranger.

  5. Karla

    I’ve spend the whole day crying watching your videos. It has been a great day because it is a joyful cry to share with you the great feeling of remembering your brother every week.

    Thanks for sharing with us and I will definitely keep coming back weekly. BTW my son’s name is Seth so you are a great example for him to follow!

  6. chris marrama


    What you are doing for theses people is wonderful. My wife Susan passed away in June of 2013 and would have loved to have watched your videos of what you are doing.

    May god bless you as He has already blessed Aaron.


  7. Brett

    I stumbled across your youtube videos at 2am in the morning..and I am truly inspired by them. I am truly sorry for your loss. But overwhelmed by the impact of this movement. I hope you continue as much as you can and truly impact the lives of everyone you meet. You have already helped so many and they will do the same…a domino effect of kindness. =)! – Brett from New York

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